March 31, 2013

The Purple Town’s Secret

The Purple Town’s Secret
Written by: TheGlitched64

What is it about Lavender town that gets the internet into such a hype? Is it that chilling music? The atmosphere? The graves? Or the fact that it just feels so out of place from the rest of the game? No. You're all mistaken, and you are all fooled. Even right now, you have all fallen into its trap.

You’ve heard the stories, the theories, the rumors and you think that’s all bullshit. But this, is your grave mistake. When you listen to this music you are placed in a trance. This is where images seep into your brain, awoken from your unconscious mind. What you see are the truths behind Lavender town, and when it’s all over, these thoughts go back into your subconscious mind.

Some write stories about what they saw, some bottle it up and become depressed, moody, even suicidal. These images fester and rot in your mind, until you become withdrawn, and your character becomes different. You're no longer your mask, you are your true self. Unshielded from the horrors of this world and subject to their influence.

They’re coming for you. And they are coming for me. Don’t you see what’s happening? The town… it used to be huge. There were so many bustling sites and people but since then. Since Lavender town has become such a shitty meme, the town has dwindled to but a few people. Where did they go you ask?

Well… maybe… you should look inside yourself.

Author’s Channel:
This is one I Narrated to!